Collective agreements
A collective agreement is an agreement negotiated between the employees’ associations and employers’ associations. You may be covered by several of FLT’s collective agreements.
FLT has collective agreements with several employers’ associations. These collective agreements entitle our members to better terms and conditions than those required by The Working Environment Act (‘Arbeidsmiljøloven’). A membership subscription to FLT does not automatically grant a collective agreement for our members. The collective agreement becomes effective when a member’s employer or employers’ organization officially accepts the agreement. All members, whether or not they have a collective agreement, are entitled to ask for advice regarding labor laws.
The agreements regulate wage and working conditions
- The right to elect a shop steward
- The right to hold local salary negotiations
- The right to hold local negotiations regarding working conditions
- Working hours and overtime
- Full pay in case of illness, for a minimum three months beyond the minimum requirement as set out in The Insurance Act (“Folketrygdloven”)
- Contractual pension (AFP)
- Paid compassionate leave
- Economic support for continuing education
- Five weeks of annual paid holiday